2月は誰にとっても忙しい。決算・確定申告・進級テストなどが済むと、すぐに新しい年度がやってくる。4月のより良いstart upに向けて会議・会議・会議!大変だけどメリハリつけて乗り切るしかない。

People usualy get to be busy in Feburuary. Some of them should take Mega time for making the account statements,Tax Return,some of them should take heavy examinations at school,After those difficulties were over,most of all should have kind of MEETINGs toward the coming new term from the Spring.We find the theme,discuss,and make a decision,and trie to realize something.Ordinal conference is good,brain-storming is also good,lunch-meeting is sometimes good.However,as my impression and experience,Nothing would be realized when we decide something at the party or gathering in night time as my impression on experiences!