Security | All information that you enter on our web site goes through PayPal server which encrypts the information before transmitting it, ensuring that your transactions stay private and protected. |
Privacy | When you place an order at KYOKOART Gallery,you are agreeing to let us gather information such as your name, billing address, shipping address, telephone number, e-mail address. We do not get your credit card information as that is transmitted directly to the processing institution. This information is kept safe and confidential on our secure server and is encrypted before being transmitted anywhere on the internet. |
SHOP name | KYOKOART Gallery |
Manager | Sam Nakamoto |
Address | 1-41-2, Tera-cho, Shuri, Naha, Okinawa,JAPAN |
Tel,Fax | TEL:098-886-1800 / FAX:098-886-1808 | | |
Delivery date | 5-10days |
Payment: | Our PayPal billing system or through your own PayPal account. |
Shipping Method | EMS(International Express Mail Service) Kuroneko yamato(Japan domestic only) |